Japanese Journal of Electrophoresis

The Official Journal of the Japanese Electrophoresis Society

Volume: 41 Number: 1
Issue: February 1997


[Electrophoresis in practice-2]
Basic principles of electrophoresis. (Japanese) Kazuo Shimao ..........(1)

[Full paper]
Standardization of protocol for Immobiline 2-D PAGE and construction of 2-D PAGE protein database on World Wide Web home page. (English) Tosifusa Toda, Narimichi Kimura ..........(13)

[Short communication]
Gel-electrophoretic characterization of DNA damaged by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and iron ions. (English) Yu Ide, Motoo Matsuda ..........(21)

[Technical Note]
Comparison of the two staining methods on cellulose acetate membrane using silver and Acid Violet 17 reagents in application to the electrophoretic analysis of urinary protein fractions. (Japanese) Nobuo Hiratsuka, Kiyoko Shiba, Katsumi Shinomura, Seijin Hosaki ..........(25)

[Case report]
M-protein which migrated to the different position in cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis following inactivation procedure performed to decriminate from fibrinogen. (Japanese) Junko Inoue, Kiyoko Shiba, Mutsuko Mizuguchi, Eiichi Hasegawa, Seijin Hosaki ..........(29)
Transient appearance of fast-migrating atypical intestinal-type alkaline phosphatase in serum. (Japanese) Tatsuo Tozawa, Kyoko Adachi, Naoyuki Nakata ..........(33)